Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Road Diaries.

it's strange that i cannot drive and yet i love being in cars.  maybe it was those endless road trips we took as kids or all the day dreaming i did out of bus windows that makes me adore blurring fields on the horizon.  Or maybe it is all the lonely houses that stare out with open eyes, exposed on the highway, that makes me feel a longing to cure some unidentified heart ache. honestly it's hard to pin down the exact reasons for my love of the road after all these years...there are just too many.
 i took these photos after a particularly heart breaking day.  i felt like the road and i were having a conversation...yes i realize this does sound a little silly, but it really did feel that way...
at points i could have sworn it was reflecting the emptiness of the day...
and other times it seemed to be trying to cheer me up with a quiet sunset.
it was an ever changing motion and i could have stayed there...moving forever....


Anonymous said...
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pirichi said...

I feel the same way, I can't drive either but I love to travel in cars. very nice photos :)

Skye said...

beautiful, r, beautiful. i know what you're talking about.

RZY said...

oh rhya, there is something so lovely and wistful about this entry and these images that really tugged on my heartstrings...

the real mia said...

Oooh I just love these on the road photos. I'm out on the road right now making my own collection. I hope they come out half as nice as yours.

twilightgecko said...

i can drive, but i don't like to.. these photos are beautiful..