Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The End...of journal #1

Hmm...so I am all done one journal and I am celebrating in my studio with elvis and half baked ice cream.  Thoughts on this exercise so far are good, though I think I still need to loosen up a tad, and not be so concerned all the time about the finished product of each page.  I do feel pushing myself to journal again has really filled a creative void that I noticed pooling at the bottom of my head.  Next steps are journal #2, learning how to garden, and to start writing again!  Until then, I will just enjoy the last several pages of my first expedition.

Google eyes...hard to scan.
brain map
brother portrait.
pencil crayon of koshi.
emo eating.

book 1...done.


Jaime said...

Don't you just love how puffy the book is at the end?!

jenn said...

I am so in love with this project! Hooray for journal #2!